Component 1:

Strengthening Regional Integration

The regional integration component aims to strengthen the effective coordination of interventions for coastal resilience in West Africa at the regional and national levels. This is achieved through the consolidation of the regional institutional set-up and harmonisation of policies to seek economies of scale and the development of new strategic partnerships needed for the scale-up of response to the coastal resilience development challenge.

Component 2:

Strengthening Policy & Institutional Frameworks

The Project will support the strengthening of institutional and policy frameworks around coastal development, protection, and natural resource management (exclusive of fisheries).

Focus areas will include:

  • strengthening existing national coordination mechanisms and;
  • development of mechanisms for sub-national coordination, including civil society coordination.

This component will also support the development of the institutional capacity of key ministries and agencies, including;

  • Ministry of Works and Housing (MWH)
  • Ghana Hydrological Authority (GHA)
  • Ministry of Land and Natural Resources (MLNR)
  • Wildlife Division (WD) of the Forestry Commission (FC)
  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and
  • Coastal CSOs Forum (CCF) for effective and coastal development and management.
Component 3:

Strengthening National Physical & Social Investments

The Project will support a wide typology of site-specific grey, green, and hybrid physical investments and social sub-projects at the community level to achieve measurable increases in protection from coastal erosion and flooding, pollution control, and promote climate-resilient coastal development.

The Project will be financing:

  • green infrastructure (Nature-Based solution), such as dune fixation to protect beaches from erosion using vegetation and shrubs to trap sand, wetland and mangrove restoration and beach replenishment;
  • grey infrastructure, such as the construction of breakwaters, seawalls, revetments, groynes, and dikes;
  • land claim and reclamation;
  • rehabilitation of flood banks;
  • rehabilitation and management of natural flood areas, including dredging to maintain natural flow in lagoons;
  • infrastructure, e.g. culverts, for improved drainage, especially in urban areas;
  • sustainable land management practices in transboundary sub-watersheds and areas of high ecosystem value that drain into the coastal areas, and
  • measures to improve the management of natural habitats, including reduction of invasive species encroachment.
Component 4:

Project Management/National Coordination

A Project Implementation Unit (PIU) has been duly constituted at the Ministry of Environment, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) and will be guided by a multi-stakeholder National Steering Committee.