
The Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) of the West Africa Coastal Areas Resilience Investment Project 2 (WACA ResIP 2) as matter of significant concern, purposes to engage all relevant project stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle in a manner that allows for the credible and safe solicitation of concerns in the face of an efficient response system. 
The GRM seeks to assist all parties, project personnel, local communities, and stakeholders in managing complaints fairly, conservatively, and effectively. Every effort will be made to: 

  1. Ensure that complaints from aggrieved stakeholders are channelled to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) for resolution; 
  2. Seek solutions to any tensions and conflicts during the entire project implementation process; 
  3. Identify and implement appropriate and mutually acceptable actions to address complaints; 
  4. Respond in a timely manner to the needs of complainants; 
  5. Ensure that complaints are adequately addressed with corrective actions considered much as possible; and 
  6. Ensure that appropriate and mutually acceptable redress actions are identified and implemented. 

Scope of GRM

The GRM of the WACA ResIP 2 encompasses all project-related issues including: 

  1. Administrative Challenges 
  2. Community Concerns 
  3. Contracting Modalities 
  4. Construction-Related Activities 
  5. Nature-Based Solution-Related Activities  

Avenues for Reporting GRM


Structure of GRM


Implementation Arragement of GRM


Fill us in on the details of your grievance - what happened, when, and who (if anyone) was involved. We're here to listen and help!